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名前:べえべえ 生息地:ほっかいどうでっかいどうはいどうどう 最近ちょっとお疲れ気味。

備忘録:BF1942 win7 vista最適化パッチ













「Compatibility Fix」フォルダを「FHSW」フォルダにへ移動後、その中に入っている「BF1942CF.exe」を実行。




Windows7 64bitの互換モードなしでFHSWのゼーロウ高地を起動しましたが、銃の発射・装填、乗り物の操縦を行いましたがエラーなどの問題は発生しませんでした。




I'm new here however may have a better solution to this BF1942/FH (and other Mods) crashing problem in Windows Vista & 7. I have hosted a few LAN parties since Vista's launch and I constantly hear complaining about crashing and/or the limited resolutions when using Windows 98 compatibility with BF1942. With my recent upgrade to Windows 7, I've been able to troubleshoot this issue over the past few days.


Note: This fix is only a modified Windows 98/ME Compatibility patch and does not fix all types of crashes. If Battlefield continues to crash when using the built in Windows 98/ME this fix will not help and you will need to due further system troubleshooting using resources such as those mentioned in message below.


Well, on to the details of the solution. Attached to this message is a file containing an exe that will install a compatibility database for Windows Vista/7 (more details below). It does two things, prevents crashing and allows higher/widescreen resolutions. What I need is a few people to try this out to ensure it works for more than just my own computer.




Extract and Install BF1942CF.exe

Press "Yes" if you agree to the terms or "No" cancel the installation.

Turn off Windows 98/ME Compatibility Mode on the BF1942/Mods shortcuts.

Battlefield 1942 is now ready to play (Windows will automatically apply the fix).

If you want to uninstall, go to Control Panel > Uninstall a Program and uninstall the "Battlefield 1942 Windows Vista/7 Compatibility Fix".



Fix Details:

Using the Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.5 is was able to apply the Windows 98 Compatibility Mode to BF1942.exe and worked at removing any fixes which didn't cause Battlefield to crash. Here are the compatibility fixes left after all the testing:


NoGhost (This didn't seem to affect anything but MS had it by default for BF1942.)



I saved these out to a Compatibility Database and created/compiled an AutoItScript to automate the install. (Just a fancy way to run sdbinst.exe bf1942.sdb)

The Database is also attached (BF1942 for anyone who wants to have a closer look.


Please post any feedback here and I'll try to fix any bugs.


System Info:

Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600

Shuttle SG33G5

2GB Corsair ValueRAM

ATI Radeon 4850 (Catalyst 9.10)

1TB Seagate Hard Drive